Monthly Archives: December 2009

It’s an opinion damnit!

Being a highly opinionated individual I ended up in an interesting argument on twitter today, as I often do.

My opinion was along the lines that the New Zealand government should stop trying to right the wrongs caused in the past with the Maori tribes and move on, dismantle the Waitangi Tribunal and abolish the racist policy of Maori only seats. (1)

What made the resulting discussion notable, is that it amused me in that trying to justify the opposing opinion as being right and mine being wrong, this statement was sent to me:

"The ONLY thing that's right is an opinion based on a sound knowledge of past reality:history."

Whether it is based on historical truths or not is irrelevant unless it references the past in order to provide backing information to try and convince the other party to agree on your opinion.

My whole side of the discussion was that “yes, bad stuff happened in the past, but to move forwards as a country we should put them behind us”, explicit acknowledging that there HAVE been past wrongs and that my opinion is that we should forget them and move on as a united country.

I don’t mind people disagreeing with my opinion and giving their reasons, even if they still don’t agree after some time, but saying that it’s arrogant and wrong just rubs me the wrong way and changes it from a discussion into a childish argument.

I would also like to point out that it’s an OPINION! You can’t say it’s right or wrong, you can only agree or disagree with it.

(1) The whole issue of the Maori Seats and Waitangi Tribunal is something I’ll leave for another blog post, it’s too complex to go into details here.

Huawei E220 with Fedora 12

In the weekend I upgraded my Libretto U100 to Fedora 12 (from Fedora 9 previously). I was extremely surprised (and happy) to find that everything worked correctly first time with the exception of the docking station (which I shall blog about later). Considering the rarity and uniqueness of this particular machine, it’s an excellent result.


However I discovered that my Huawei E220 3G Modem (branded as “Vodem” here in NZ) was now failing to work – when trying to connect, NetworkManager would start, the connection would run for a few seconds and then suddenly disconnect. I would also receive a popup saying that sr0 was unable to be mounted.

The 3G modem would then fail to appear in Network Manager and the kernel log showed lots of weird USB errors.

The Huawei E220 is an interesting device, it has both a 3G modem and also a USB “SCSI CDROM” drive which contains drivers for when plugged into a Windows computer. However this dual-device operation has historically caused no end of different problems across various Linux releases.

In Fedora 12, it seems that the “cdrom” (usbstorage) and 3G Modem (usbserial) drivers fight each other – first the usbserial driver works as expected, connects to the network and Network Manager runs OK. However a second later the “cdrom” tries to get mounted and glitches, breaking both drivers and dropping the connection.


You can’t work around it by trying some of the past workarounds with older Linux releases such as removing the usbstorage module or apply custom vendor & product options to the usbserial module, either workaround will break the newer version of NetworkManager/ModemManager.

Fortunately the fix is relatively simple – we just need to tell the system to ignore the “cdrom” – which we can do by using Udev. Simply create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/20-custom-huawei.rules with the contents of:

# work around dodgy Huawei modem
SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi" ATTRS{vendor}=="HUAWEI", OPTIONS+="ignore_device"

Then re-plug the Huawei and the system will detect both the 3G Modem and the “cdrom”, however the ignore_device option will cause udev to avoid trying to mount the CDROM and therefore permits the 3G modem to work uninterrupted. :-)