Monthly Archives: May 2011

Less, less, less

So I’ve been working hard to reduce the amount of stuff I have over the past couple weeks – started off making good progress, I’ve managed to get rid of a large stack of servers that were located on the kitchen floor and a number of switches and UPSes are gone too. :-)

I’ve decided to try and set myself a goal – I want to reduce all my stuff to:

  • Laptop & related bits- so LCD, docking station, etc.
  • Stereo
  • Gaming computer
  • PS3/TV/Macmini Entertainment Setup
  • Virtual Machine Server
  • 2 suitcases for everything else, eg clothes.
  • Furniture.

It’s so easy to accumulate junk, I can’t imagine having anywhere as near this much stuff when I first went flatting, having to deal with cold empty rooms – nowdays it’s  case of trying to avoid piles of boxes and gadgets.

I’m kind of cheating and storing stuff that has use in boxes at my parents house, but the goal is to essentially sell/give away anything I don’t use, and enable me to easily sell remaining bits and be able to move should I decide to relocate overseas, I’d sell everything and end up with just:

  • Laptop
  • Virtual Machine Server
  • 2 suitcases

Nice and easy, in theory. ;-)

I’m going to be busy making lots of listings on Trademe over the next month, so if you’re after anything, please check it out – there are auctions spread across two different accounts, depending whether it’s a business or personal item.


Wind Turbine Walk

Whilst @chrisjrn was in Wellington a couple of weeks ago I managed to convince him and @macropiper to come for a walk along from the wind turbine to the radar dome on the Brooklyn hill line.

For international readers, the Wellington/Brooklyn wind turbine is originally a prototype/test unit that was installed in the early 90s looking out over Wellington for testing the praticalities for generating power for the city.

These days, we have a couple large wind farms in the lower north island – one being just behind Wellington and the other up in Palmerston North region.

The world-famous-in-Wellington wind turbine!


There’s some pretty impressive views of Wellington from up there:

Overlooking Wellington city & harbour

Looking out over the southern suburbs

After wandering around the turbine, we decided to make our way along the paved ridge to the radar dome, which is used for aircraft monitoring. (whilst some distance from the airport, I’m assuming it’s useful since it sits up above the hills and can pickup incoming craft to Wellington).

It's a @macropiper!

I can see my car and turbine off to the distance....

OMG trees! Considering the winds, there aren't a lot of those...

I can get 3G up here! Turns out there was actually a Vodafone tower further along the path pointing our way. (pic by @chrisjrn)

Getting a bit wind swept... it's pretty strong up there! (pic via @chrisjrn)

Kind of rare to be able to look out into the distance and not see a hill line in Wellington

Yay! A helpful sysadmin left a MOTD on the network!

Valley view showing more wind turbines in the distance as the sun shines through


The walk is quite windy and a few interesting things are hidden in places along the way – for example:

UHF broadcasting for air traffic control. (airways controls NZ-wide air control)

I hope they're not using this particular antenna, as it's looking a little wonky and disconnected...

It's a castle! Kind of....

Found this weird steel door/bunker set into the hill.... if I had to guess, I'd say civil defense or NZ army, but it's kind of a weird location for either. It does however make an ideal bondage shot location. ;-) (pic via @chrisjrn).

If hungry, bring a microwave pie and try cooking it on the Vodafone cell tower.

Radar Dome!

Old emplacements or something?

Weird fuse/connection cable of some kind... no idea what it is, weird sort of glassy material.

WTF are these?

All up, was a pretty interesting wander – would be great for biking, there were a number of mountain bikers on the track that day, although probably be a bit bland for doing it too often.

Standards people, use them!

I’ve been driving around in my mighty Toyota Starlet 1997 for about 18 months+ now and have finally gotten tired of only having a radio as my only source of audio.

I can get away with using radio when in the CBD with good alternative stations like Active who don’t have too many ads, but when doing roadtrips often there are large sections with no coverage or only poor quality commerical stations.

So I decided to buy a new stereo and settled on a Sony CDXGT500U stereo – primarily due to it meeting my two requirements in the cheapest formfactor – both an AUX 3.5mm input jack AND a USB socket for taking MP3s (sadly no Ogg or Flac tho).

Being a sucker for DIY I decided to have a go at installing it myself – I didn’t need anything too flash like new speakers or cable runs, just wanted the inputs really. Fortunately the installation of the stereo was pretty easy, but I ran into the good old problem of proprietary connectors/standards used by the different vendors.


  1. There’s no single standard for the mounting of devices in the car dash – in the case of this stereo, the mounting brackets supplied aren’t required and instead it bolts directly into the Japanese-style mounts.
  2. Sony doesn’t use a standard for their stereos.
  3. Neither does Toyota use a standard for their cars.

To make it work (without going to the pain of soldering/custom wire wrapping) I had to buy *two* different adapters – once for Sony->ISO and another for Toyota->ISO which cost a good $15 each from retailers.

We all love lots of daisy chained adapters!


On the plus side, I now have a new stereo installed, dragging my car out of the 80s and into 2011. It’s also the most expensive thing in the car now, although being a Starlet, it’s hardly a theft magnet.

This Starlet be totally pimped yo!


#geekflat cleanout

With the departure of John and the continual annoyance of all my junk piled around the flat, I’m going through a bit clean up and listing everything on trademe.

There’s a mix of general flat stuff as well as far too much computing equipment, including rackmount equipment such as cable management bars, servers, UPSes and more.

Lots of ex-Amberdms kit, ideal for Linux deployments and personal development labs and a nice collection of networking kit.

There’s still more to list over the next couple of weeks, so add my *two* trademe accounts to your favorites to get notifications. (There are separate accounts for Amberdms vs Personal listings).


Splatdevil + Jethro == splathro?

A while ago, you might recall myself outing @splatdevil and I as not-so-secret twitter snuggle buddies – since then, we’ve been seeing each other a lot and doing a long-distance by having having Lisa come stay for alternative weeks.

Now our relationship is entering a new stage, we both agree we want to be together and we both hurt every time we have to part – so we’re looking at moving in together.

Unfortunately, we have one main barrier – Lisa needs to find a fulltime job – whilst she is actively looking for a journalist role, the job market is being pretty brutal and it’s hard to get into the market.

So we’ve decided that as a couple, we’ll function OK together in either Wellington or Auckland – I can work from either locations in my role quite happily, am willing to move to Auckland if needed and both cities are big enough and with enough friends to make personal life interesting as well.

We have considered AU but both agree that’s it’s too soon for us to move overseas and we’d rather build up a bit of reserve funds before making any such move – or we may find that settled life in NZ suits us well and stay for much longer.

So this is a public request for help from my online/twitter friends – can you help find some roles appropriate for a smart lady with good people skills and motivation to succeed?

  • Smart, motivated individual.
  • Graduate Diploma in Journalism
  • Bachelor of Arts, double major in History and Political Science.
  • Excellent people skills – remember, she can put up with me!
  • Commercial experience at regional and online news organisations.

The sort of role that would suit well:

  • Ideally a journalism or writing job – this is Lisa’s dream role, so naturally we want to still pursue that.
  • Some other admin or office position – policy writing, admin/data entry, maybe inventory or accounts management, client proposal preparations.
  • Ideally fulltime, but a part-time role with decent number of hours would appeal.
  • Located in Auckland or Wellington.
  • Can start ASAP.

If you know of any roles or are able to send a CV to someone, please let me/Lisa know and I’ll be forever grateful. :-)

You can email me