Monthly Archives: July 2013

NamedManager 1.6.0

I’ve just finished up a few changes to NamedManager this weekend and released version 1.6.0. It provides a few bug fixes and small improvements, as well as the addition of support for IPv6 PTR (reverse) records, so you can now maintain both forwards and reverse DNS for both IPv4 and IPv6 with NamedManager.

IPv6 AAAA records on a domain

IPv6 AAAA records on a domain

When you add records with NamedManager, you can have a reverse PTR record added for your particular A or AAAA record by ticking a checkbox. NamedManager then generates the appropriate reverse record for you, simplifying the process of managing DNS.

IPv6 PTR records

IPv6 PTR records

If you’re interested in NamedManager you can download NamedManager from my project website (Tarball or Git), from GitHub, or download RPMs for RHEL/CentOS 5/6.

MONA, Hobart

I was down in Hobart a couple weeks ago for PyCon AU 2013, a Python programming conference organised by a friend of mine. Whilst I don’t do that much in Python currently, it was just a good excuse to go hang out with a bunch of interesting people and friends for a couple days and to get out of Sydney for a bit.

I’ve been to Hobart before, it’s a nice place for a visit, with a very NZ-like climate and fauna and an interesting mix of small town with a blend of great coffee, bars and distilleries mixed in.

mmm, cool fresh air - just like back home!

mmm, cool fresh air – just like back home!

Soaking up some fresh air and sun before retreating into a dark room with my laptop for the rest of the day.

Soaking up some fresh air and sun before retreating into a dark room with my laptop for the rest of the day.

This Hobart pub has a better beer selection than most of the places near my home and work in Sydney's CBD.

This Hobart pub has a better beer selection than most of the places near my home and work in Sydney’s CBD – it’s like being back in New Zealand again!

One of my other big motivators was to go and visit MONA, the Museum of Old and New Art, a massive underground museum created by an eccentric wealthy Tasmanian who has built an amazing collection of contemporary art.

It’s an absolutely stunning collection, worthy enough of making a weekend visit to Hobart purely to check it out. Sadly I only had a couple hours allocated to explore it, but I could have possibly spent a whole day there – particularly with them having a bar in the museum!

I am the data lord!

I am the data lord!

Is that the source up there?

Is that the source up there?

Where old art and new art meets.

Where old art and new art meets.

It’s easy to get out there with a short ferry trip from the town, so sit back with a craft beer or go and admire all the street art around the boat whilst it whisks you past Hobart.

Art! And not just me, the stuff on the wall!

Art! And not just me, the stuff on the wall!

Upon arrival, iPod-based guides are handed out, which were actually much more useful than the traditional approach of having everyone crowding around a small plaque on the wall, as it allowed you to select and read in your own space and time.

One of the nice things about MONA is how they manage to not take themselves too seriously, with easter eggs and other playful pokes at themselves around the place.

Love it!

Love it!

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to MONA and certainly recommend it as a must-see if you visit Hobart and a worthy contender to be a reason for making a trip to MONA solely for it in particular.

Bondi to Coogee Walk

Whilst a famous tourist location, I’m not a huge fan of Bondi Beach – probably primarily due to it being a victim of it’s own success and being overrun by annoying tourists like myself. ;-)

However Bondi isn’t only just a beach, it’s the start of a walkway leading along the coast and down to Coogee and back. The walk winds along the coast, often along the edge of cliffs and through various quieter coves. It’s a nice escape from Sydney city and suburbs and for a short time you can forget you live in a massive sprawling city.

Looking back at Bondi beach.

Looking back at Bondi beach.

Mmmm real waves, none of this calm harbour crap

Mmmm real waves, none of this calm harbour crap

Winter Sydney is a lovely and mild climate, particularly on this overcast and windy day – definitely the best time of the year to go for walking adventures, especially if you’re a manly kiwi who doesn’t think 10 degrees is cold.

For details about the walk, take a look at this site. I found it was easy enough to get the train to Bondi station and then walk to Bondi beach as a warmup instead of waiting around for a bus and it saves a few dollars on the trip cost as well.