Monthly Archives: September 2010

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

Where do I begin on this one? It’s not like I fit the social norms….

  • I’m vegetarian.
  • I run an IT company.
  • I believe strongly in open source.
  • I spend an insane amount of time on a computer. Some might even claim I’m a bit of a geek. ;-)

Of course, whilst I might think of everyone else being “sheeple”, in reality, everyone has their own differing personality traits, just some more than others, so this is kind of a silly question.

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

I think it was pretty obvious to anyone who reads this blog that the answer would be something computer/linux/open source related. :-)

My entire life is built around being with computers, it’s an integral part of who I am and a lot of my ethic, beliefs and friends have all been directly influenced by my interest and enjoyment of computing – particularly the open source side of it.

I love the ability to do anything with computers, create anything I want, solve any problem and do anything I wish – as it stands my entire life is computer based – communication, music, photos, writings, projects – I could quite happily sell all my assets other than my laptop and colo server.

So naturally, the picture has to be:

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

I don’t have a lot of nicknames, I guess in part the fact that my name is resonably uncommon, people tend not to need to change it to identify me from others. :-)

Pretty much the only nickname I have outside of pillow talk is “dodocaptain” or some derivative shortened form such as “dodo”.

This cames back from my childhood – story goes that my younger brother couldn’t pronounce “Jethro” at the time and ended up saying “dodo”.

Since I was as egotistical back then as I am now, that ended up becoming “captain dodo” since I always wanted to be in charge.

In later years, when I first started using the internet (Win98 and a ZFree dialup connection, ah, takes me back ;-) I registered my first email address on Hotmail. Since captaindodo was taken, I became dodocaptain. :-)

I tend not to use it so much online these days (I use my realname for most sites) but bring it out sometimes for gaming.

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

Haven’t got a huge amount here, mostly shorter-term goals ATM:

  1. Find a life partner. Sure, being single has it’s advantages, but I’d much rather be able to share my accomplishments with someone special.
  2. Buy my first house. I’m sick of having to tape ethernet cables along the floor of rentals…
  3. Do research and development into artificial intelligence, it’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but need more time/money to do so.
  4. Obtain better work/life balance.

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

I’m not a fan of this question, why would I want to be anyone else? I like being me!

There are certainly people I’d like to meet and hang with for a bit, but that’s different, I always want to retain my individualism.

People I’ve wanted to meet and have:

  • Linus Torvalds
  • Richard Stallman
  • Mark Shuttleworth
  • John “maddog” Hall
  • Andrew “tridge” Tridgell
  • Andrew Tanenbaum
  • Jonathan Corbet

People I’ve yet to meet but want to:

  • Barrack Obama
  • Alexander the Great
  • Leonardo De Vinci
  • Some of my overseas twitter followers.
  • My true wuv?
  • The developer of the Stargate (don’t tell me that Stargates aren’t real!!)

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

This question was clearly devised by someone who failed to realise that there is any music player *other* than the ipod.

For the record, I have never owned a portable Apple device (ipod/iphone/ipad, etc) nor do I intend to – supporting Apple means supporting a company that believes in locking down your freedom in proprietary systems.

I listen to all my music directly off my laptop – either with my Sennheiser HD212pro headphones or via a NAD3021i amp with some JPW speakers.

I set my entire music collection on shuffle, here’s what I got:

  1. Muse – Hysteria
  2. DragonForce – Ultra Beatdown
  3. Disturbed – Pain Redefined
  4. Rush – 2112
  5. Marillion – Bitter Suite
  6. Iron Madien – Run to the hills
  7. Nightwish – Ocean Soul
  8. Genesis – Jesus He Knows Me (live version)
  9. Hawkwind – Do That
  10. Kraftwerk – The Model

As you can see, I have a range of tastes. :-)

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

As you know, I’m a very private, reserved person (ha! yeah right!), however the answer to this question is a little too much to be putting out in public.

I actually tend not to hold a grudge that much – sure, people have annoyed me and caused me pain at times, but I move on, look at the positives and get on with life. Sometimes I’ll even interact with them OK later on, I guess I find it hard to dislike people.

Pretty much the only place I’ve really been hurt is in the romance department, rejection always sucks and never gets any easier.

But that’s part of life I guess – in the last year I’ve gotten a lot more confident and better at reading people and emotions, so life is sort of going better in this area. :-)