Monthly Archives: December 2011

Xmas & New Years Plans

Time is rushing by in Auckland and already making xmas and new years plans. I’ll be heading  down to Hawke’s Bay for the Xmas period with Lisa’s family and then down to Wellington for a few days to see my family and catch up with a few friends.

Holiday plans are:

  • 24 Dec: Drive from Auckland to Hawke’s Bay
  • 25 Dec: Hawke’s Bay [Plans: Family Stuff]
  • 26 Dec: Hawke’s Bay [Plans: None]
  • 27 Dec: Hawke’s Bay [Plans: Family Stuff]
  • 28 Dec: Hawke’s Bay [Plans: None]
  • 29 Dec: Drive from Hawke’s Bay to Wellington. [Plans: Catch up with family]
  • 30 Dec: Wellington [Plans: catch up with friends]
  • 31 Dec: Wellington [Plans: catch up with friends]
  • 1st Jan: Drive back from Wellington to Auckland

If you’re in Wellington or Hawke’s Bay on any of those dates, let me know, always keen for drinks and a catch up. :-)

Other than that, I will have from 1st – 8th Jan (inclusive) in Auckland on leave, so if you’re passing through Auckland, come say hi. I expect to be sitting around coding and upgrading my laptop’s Linux build most of the time. Possibly from in the pool, considering I can barely handle the Auckland heat already. :-/