Onwards with the global corporate domination

Well, it’s been an exciting month! I’ve been putting together a business plan to grow Amberdms Ltd into a full-time venture, and on the 24th July I officially resigned from my role at Prophecy Networks.

I’m still working out the final details such as my leaving date with my managers, but by mid-October at the latest I will now be working full time for myself.

It will certainly be interesting and also scary time. I’m going to miss working with my co-workers and the loss of a regular, reliable income is going to mean I’ll have to keep a tight control on my spending for a change (no more expensive toys on a whim). :-(

Whilst I was enjoying Prophecy, I decided that now is the best time to go and work on my own business, seeing that I have no debts, no dependents and few distractions.

It will be exciting developing my own ideas and I’m really looking forwards to it. I will be offering Linux consulting and custom software development, but the major focus will be on various software products, with planned releases in the next 4-6 months.

Anyway, check back on this blog or the Amberdms website every month or so to see my corporate domination progress and the products/services I’m churning out. :-)

PS: If you’re looking for a job in Wellington New Zealand, mine is now available. ;-)