Update for January

First up in 2009 is the most important event of the entire year – linux.conf.au – which will be held in Hobart, Tasmania. If you will be attending, you can see my flight details on the wiki.

I will be staying at the uni accommodation as usual. Whilst a hotel would be a bit nicer, the uni accommodation always ensures you end up hanging out with heaps of other awesome geeks.

It’s now been 3 months since I left Prophecy to work on Amberdms fulltime. During this time I’ve been doing a very large amount of programming and I’m scheduled to release my first version of the Amberdms Billing System under an open-source license by the end of Jan – hopefully before I go away to linux.conf.au.

This billing system offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Double-entry accounting
  • PDF invoice generation
  • Various financial reports and tools
  • Timesheets & billing for hours worked
  • Data-usage billing – ideal for ISPs or other service providers
  • Migration utilities from SQL-Ledger.

The code is all written in PHP and I’m preparing developer documentation to assist 3rd party integration and encourage community contributions.

I haven’t forgotten to add an RSS feed, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Will try and make some time to add it in Feburary.

At the moment I have a server being shipped up to Auckland NZ and my old production server in Napier is going to be upgraded to Centos 5. This will provide me with two identical servers to be configured in a geographically distributed cluster to provide high-availability for my software-as-a-service products.

This will be going live in January before I release the billing system – will probably write up some articles about problems and challenges I deal with and the design used.