Update for Feburary

February has been busy – some of the highlights (and lowpoints) of this month has been the release of my new billing system (good) and repeated problems with my libretto laptop (bad).


On the 18th of February, I release my new open-source accounting, service billing and time keeping product, the Amberdms Billing System.

This program has been written from the ground up by me for use by small & medium businesses, with particular focus on supporting the needs of IT businesses, including consultants and ISPs.

Take a look at the Amberdms website for further details about all the exciting features. :-)

In other Amberdms news, the amount of consulting work is increasing and I’ve also started offering budget NZ-based virtual machine services which is also helping to grow Amberdms into the next corporate empire. ;-)


My libretto is now back in fully working form. After replacing the hard drive, I had been suffering from instability issues where the machine would randomly hang and crash.

I believe I have tracked these problem to a BIOS issue, as after I reset all the BIOS options back to factory defaults, the issues resolved themselves.

Still, this caused many wasted hours and lots of annoyance.


Everyone keeps pestering me to create a Twitter account, so I have gone and created one. Follow my exploits at www.twitter.com/jethrocarr.

Time will tell if getting Twitter was a good idea… I had just gotten over my email addiction, so I’m not sure how safe I’ll be with Twitter.

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