Day 03 – What does your day job involve?

This post is part of my 30 days of geek challenge.

As of this week I’ve just taken on a new full time job, so this has changed a little… :-)

Last month I was running Amberdms as a full time venture, which involved:

  • Lots of project management
  • Handling (herding?) staff
  • Software development
  • Support services between anything from entry level desktops up to linux servers and networking.
  • General business operations, customer interactions, etc

As of November, Amberdms has scaled down to a side venture purely for the software side of the business and I’m now working full time for my old employeer, Prophecy Networks.

My job title is “Consultant Systems Engineer” which I guess is really a combination of:

  • Project Management
  • Pre-sales and customer interaction, including writing proposals, etc.
  • Software development, focusing on web-based applications and system scripting.
  • Engineering support services focusing on enterprise Linux/UNIX and networking systems.

My new job at Prophecy is very self-driven/independent in a way, which meets my entrepreneurial desires and I have a lot of input into customer projects, recommending/designing solutions, implementing and having all the fun, with other staff being responsible for the day-to-day operations and support once deployed.

So far it’s been good fun and I’m looking forwards to the projects that are being lined up for the next few months. :-)

PS: Great to see many other geeks getting into #30daysofgeek, check back to the main article’s comments section for other great blogs. :-)

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