Monthly Archives: February 2011

Hobart: Day 00.1

Some additional pictures from yesterday’s excursion into the wilds of Tasmania by @chrisjrn:

Photographic proof that yes indeed, I can sometimes go outside.

Hehehe, I got a dirty txt! ;-)

I'm going to twitpic these rocks!

I have conqured nature!

These bars can't restrain my awesome!

hmmm maybe they can actually.....

Come maul me babe..... ;-)

I was a little tooo naughty so had to go spend some time there.....

That’s all the dodgy pictures for now – come back soon for more blog posts as I tour AU :-)

Hobart: Day 00

Whilst I did technically land in Hobart yesterday, I only started looking around Hobart and Tasmania in general with the native @chrisjrn today.

We started the trip by going up Mt Wellington, but sadly were impacted by a lot of low-lying cloud making the views difficult.

Here’s a view from about half way up the mountain down onto Hobart:

With all the cloud instead of the amazing views I had been promised, I just had lots and lots of white, which whilst kind of charming in it’s own way, is clearly false advertising ;-)

After visiting Mt Wellington Fog, we headed onto the road around to Port Arthur with detours to interesting places along the way.

Always an excuse to stop for random self-camwhoring.

Chris took me to some really interesting natural rock formations at a cove, the geological activity forces the rocks to break in straight lines, they look like man cut blocks!

Check out those rocks!

@chrisjrn checking out the rocks

Following mystical rock cove (maybe not not real name) we decided to go checkout a blowhole.

Sadly it turned out to be a natural geological formation rather than some dodgy deviant makeout facility.

Natural tunnel formation - watch the water coming in before it splashes up

Splash! It's pretty hard to capture on camera really :-(

Of course the best part about the blowhole action was the salty salty deliciousness:

Fresh from the deep fryer, all chrispy and nommmmm

After refuelling at the blowhole, we headed to Port Arthur, where Tasmania had it’s convict colony to look at all the historical buildings:

Main prison block in the foreground

I can never say no to exploring a dungeon....

There’s some more dodgy pictures involving bars and chains that I’ll have to wait for Chris to upload at a later stage.

Meanwhile, here’s Chris looking dodgy and being reminded why long hair may be cool to look at whilst being very annoying to actually have:

Also, we went on a boat:

Boat View!

Captain Jethro!

After the boat trip, we headed back home – although did get interrupted by an (amazing for me) sight of a bridge being swung to allow a sailing boat to pass through the bridge.

Note the mast!! O_o

Also, today’s WTF moments:

Um, historical laptop anyone? To be fair, that model is probably about 10 years old...

Oh what the fuck, is that comic sans ms?!!?

And on that note, I’m off to bed for more adventures tomorrow. :-)

LCA2011: Day 07

OK, technically there is no LCA day 07, but seeing as it was the last day in Brisbane I figured I could get away with it, without needing to create a separate heading. ;-)

Firstly, I found an awesome pic of me by Andrew McMillian aka Karora on Flickr which clearly demonstrates my need for a haircut:

Me at the Professional Delegates Networking Session (pic by karora)

I spent the morning catching up on sleep and then after packing, I headed into Brisbane Times Square to attend a Fedora meeting at the library.

After that, I headed back to Urbanest by walking from the library, across a bridge and then along southbank back to the accommodation.

Hai Gais! (pic by @chrisjrn on a very awesome high quality lens)

Photoshop the bottle & caption if you dare ;-) (pic via @chrisjrn)

I then caught the AirTrain with @chrisjrn and another guy to the Brisbane Airport – I have to say, I love the AirTrain – it’s fast, easy, comfortable and cheap to get to/from the airport or any station along the gold coast.

I'm on a train!!! (pic by @chrisjrn)

Fast train is fast!

Travelling in style!

Brisbane Airport is pretty decent, didn’t take long to get through security, although I got explosive tested *again* which I find somewhat amusing, since they test for explosives far more often than drugs and I’d bet good money as to which one 20-something European males typically carry….

Flight was delayed a little, but made it to Melbourne with 30mins to spare to connect to the Melbourne-Hobart flight.

One oddity from arriving in Hobart was the way they advertise their seal touristy things:

Baggage seal watches you get security scanned!