Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

I’m not the biggest traveller, I tend to usually travel for work or conferences – typically at least once a year for

It was tricky to find a photo at first, most of what I have taken overseas is of friends or cool conference stuff, but not so many sight-seeing pictures of different places.

What I’ve selected is the photo from when I was in Sydney for 2007 and got convinced to do some sightseeing instead of sitting on my laptop IMing people who were sitting next to me the whole time. ;-)

Sydney Harbour, 2007

I remember it being very hot, very full of people and BIG. It’s hard to take in the scale from this picture alone, but near the bottom of the bridge you can see a small building. That’s actually a large block of flats – the bridge is absolutely massive, quite stunning, much more amazing to me than the Opera House or the city itself.

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