Day 12 – What area do you want to expand your skills into?

This post is part of my 30 days of geek challenge.

My skillset in PHP development and system administration is pretty strong, so whilst I’ll continue to improve and learn new things in this area, it’s not really an area I’m expanding into.

There are three main areas that I do want to expand my skills in:

  1. Network skillset – I’m pretty fluent with IPv4 and various networking concepts and vendors, but I’d like better skills around Cisco IOS devices and JunOS.
  2. Low level languages like C/C++ – currently most of my skills are relating to dynamic languages, such as PHP and Perl.
  3. AI research – want to do some development relating to AI and information processing/handling.

From early 2011 I should be having a lot more personal time available, so will use this to do some more self-learning and skillset improvement. :-)

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