Less, less, less

So I’ve been working hard to reduce the amount of stuff I have over the past couple weeks – started off making good progress, I’ve managed to get rid of a large stack of servers that were located on the kitchen floor and a number of switches and UPSes are gone too. :-)

I’ve decided to try and set myself a goal – I want to reduce all my stuff to:

  • Laptop & related bits- so LCD, docking station, etc.
  • Stereo
  • Gaming computer
  • PS3/TV/Macmini Entertainment Setup
  • Virtual Machine Server
  • 2 suitcases for everything else, eg clothes.
  • Furniture.

It’s so easy to accumulate junk, I can’t imagine having anywhere as near this much stuff when I first went flatting, having to deal with cold empty rooms – nowdays it’s  case of trying to avoid piles of boxes and gadgets.

I’m kind of cheating and storing stuff that has use in boxes at my parents house, but the goal is to essentially sell/give away anything I don’t use, and enable me to easily sell remaining bits and be able to move should I decide to relocate overseas, I’d sell everything and end up with just:

  • Laptop
  • Virtual Machine Server
  • 2 suitcases

Nice and easy, in theory. ;-)

I’m going to be busy making lots of listings on Trademe over the next month, so if you’re after anything, please check it out – there are auctions spread across two different accounts, depending whether it’s a business or personal item.


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