North Island Roadtrip

In a random fit of madness I decided to take a couple days leave this month – meaning I have a four day weekend, from Thur 25th to Sun 28th.

I’ve decided to spend this by taking a road-trip from Wellington up to Auckland, along with GF Lisa and possibly another friend.

Planned schedule is as follows:

Thur 25th: Drive from Wellington to Auckland via SH1, will arrive in Auckland by around 18:00 and do twitter drinks that evening at Mac’s Northern Steamship 122 Quay St, from around 19:00. (see twtvite to RSVP/more info).

Fri 26th: Spend day in Auckland, visiting friends, planning some day trips.

Sat 27th: Half day in Auckland, drive down to Rotorua, spend night at hotel.

Sun 28th: Visit geothermals, before heading back to Wellington around midday, via SH1 again.


If you are in Auckland and want to meet up, come along to Twitter drinks, or let me know what suits and Lisa and I can make time where possible :-)

Also – if you’re inbetween Auckland and Wellington, not too far out, and want to meet up, please let me know and we can plan detours to come say hi! :-D

Oh and as an added bonus, we’re expecting a Tasmanian open source geek @chrisjrn to be tagging along for the Auckland portion of the trip. 

2 thoughts on “North Island Roadtrip

  1. That John

    Have you thought of going up through Whanganui and Taumarunui instead? It’s a much prettier run, especially between those two bits, and I managed AKL airport to Wgtn in just over eight hours last year.


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