Tag Archives: ecs

Scaling backend infrastructure to handle millions of phones (Mobile Refresh 2018)

I recently had the pleasure to speak at the 2018 Mobile Refresh conference held here in Wellington and did a talk introducing how we run some parts of the Sailthru Mobile platform, along with recommendations and advice to anyone else also building backends to support their mobile applications.

It’s more entry-level than some of my other infrastructure talks as it’s focused on people that are primarily mobile developers with maybe a limited set of infrastructure awareness.

Deep Dive into ECS

I spent a fair bit of time in 2017 re-architecting the carnival.io platform onto Amazon ECS, including working to handle some tricky autoscaling challenges brought on by the nature of the sudden high-load spikes experienced when we deliver push messages to customers.

I’ve now summed up these learnings into a deep dive talk on the Amazon ECS architecture that I presented at the Wellington AWS Users Group on February 12th 2018.

This talk explains what container orchestration is, some key fundamentals about ECS, how we’ve tackled CI/CD with ECS and going into details around some of the unique autoscaling challenges caused by millions of cellphones sending home telemetry all at once.

This talk is technical, but includes content appropriate for both beginners wanting to know how ECS functions and experts wanting to see just what can be accomplished with the platform.