Travel Plans: Wellington Easter

I’ll be coming down to Wellington this Easter from Thursday 4th until Monday 9th of April to catch up with family and friends.

I’m planning one main “catch up” event to meet up with lots people, this naturally calls for a decent venue with a large selection of delicious beverages, thus I propose:

Saturday 7th April at 16:00
Fork & Brewer
14 Bond St

It’s a great venue with good atmosphere and 40 or so beers on tap, so come along for a catch up and a drink. I expect I’ll be out in town till some time that evening, so send me a message if you want to catch up later that evening. And there could be post-beer curry.

If you can make it, let me know via comments or drop me an email/IM. :-) If you can’t make it, but still would like to catch up, get in touch as I’m pretty flexible on this trip and a few coffee sessions are always welcome.

Lisa won’t be with me this time, she’s heading to the Hawke’s Bay to see her family, so there will be 100% less soppy couple cuteness, but probably 200% more Linux geeking. Take your pick at which is worse. ;-)

4 thoughts on “Travel Plans: Wellington Easter

  1. Michelle

    Cool beans. I’ve got a few things going on that day, but will try to stick my head in and say hello! :)


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