On one of our trips down to Circular Quay, we recently discovered the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia.
It’s a free museum with a range of interesting and unique exhibits and worth visiting if you have a couple of hours time to spare – since it’s right on Circular Quay it’s really easy to get to, plus it’s also right by The Rocks which is worth a visit.

OCD alcoholism: drunken night of beer bottle smashing followed by having to re-assemble them all again.
Of course not all of Sydney is as excited about artwork….
The MCA was a really good visit, well worth checking out if you have time in Sydney – plus it’s free, which is a miracle for Sydney really. ;-)
Based on how much I enjoyed MCA, I’m even more keen to make a trip down to Tasmania in the near future to go visit MONA – I sadly missed it on my last trip as it hadn’t quite opened at that stage, but hearing lots of awesome stuff about it.