Tag Archives: coogee

Bondi to Coogee Walk

Whilst a famous tourist location, I’m not a huge fan of Bondi Beach – probably primarily due to it being a victim of it’s own success and being overrun by annoying tourists like myself. ;-)

However Bondi isn’t only just a beach, it’s the start of a walkway leading along the coast and down to Coogee and back. The walk winds along the coast, often along the edge of cliffs and through various quieter coves. It’s a nice escape from Sydney city and suburbs and for a short time you can forget you live in a massive sprawling city.

Looking back at Bondi beach.

Looking back at Bondi beach.

Mmmm real waves, none of this calm harbour crap

Mmmm real waves, none of this calm harbour crap

Winter Sydney is a lovely and mild climate, particularly on this overcast and windy day – definitely the best time of the year to go for walking adventures, especially if you’re a manly kiwi who doesn’t think 10 degrees is cold.

For details about the walk, take a look at this site. I found it was easy enough to get the train to Bondi station and then walk to Bondi beach as a warmup instead of waiting around for a bus and it saves a few dollars on the trip cost as well.