Tag Archives: plans

Auckland, here I come!

As per my recent post, @splatdevil has now obtained a job in Auckland! And because I can’t resist her snuggles, I’ve decided to move up there with her!

We’ve been dating since Janurary and most of this so far has been spent with Lisa down in Wellington with me, so it’s been pretty intense, going from single life to living with someone almost full time in a relatively small place.

There have been ups and downs, some fights, growing pains as we settle into a different sort of lifestyle, but it’s been totally worth it – we both feel a great connection and can see a long term future, so we’re giving it a go.

And I’m pretty smitten TBH, I love her, maybe even more than my awesome KVM server. ;-)

Lisa will be starting work on 10th October, so we’re in a bit of a hurry to organise a place to live and get setup so she can be comfortable – I’m a bit more flexible and aiming to be moving there around early November as I have a few commitments in Wellington and conferences to attend. Hopefully with the work I have on ATM, I can spend most of October up there with her.

We will need to organise a leaving Wellington party and welcome to Auckland party, but just waiting to see what the plans for travel will be before doing so. :-)

Will keep you all posted.