Tag Archives: varnish

Varnish DoS vulnerability

The Varnish developers have recently announced a DoS vulnerability in Varnish (CVE-2013-4484) , if you’re using Varnish in your environment make sure you adjust your configurations to fix the vulnerability if you haven’t already.

In a test of our environment, we found many systems were protected by a default catch-all vcl_error already, but there were certainly systems that suffered. It’s a very easy issue to check for and reproduce:

# telnet failserver1 80
Connected to failserver1.example.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
Host: foo
Connection closed by foreign host.

You will see the Varnish child dying in the system logs at the time:

Oct 31 14:11:51 failserver1 varnishd[1711]: Child (1712) died signal=6
Oct 31 14:11:51 failserver1 varnishd[1711]: child (2433) Started
Oct 31 14:11:51 failserver1 varnishd[1711]: Child (2433) said Child starts

Make sure you go and apply the fix now, upstream advise applying a particular configuration change and haven’t released a code fix yet, so distributions are unlikely to be releasing an updated package to fix this for you any time soon.

Apache Redirect & Varnish

Apache’s mod_rewrite is an awesome module providing all sorts of impressive capabilities, however it’s sometimes overkill when all you want is to redirect an entire site or path to a different one. In these situations, the mod_alias’s Rewrite function is often the ideal solution, with it’s simple syntax.

Redirect permanent /  http://newhost.example.com/
Redirect permanent /test.html http://newhost.example.com/test.php

Unfortunately I’ve found a situation where certain syntax can cause failures in some environments – consider the following:

Redirect permanent /  http://newhost.example.com

This example will work happily when a user is accessing Apache directly, however it will fail horribly when accessing via a Varnish cache, eg:

$ wget oldhost.example.com
 --2012-11-27 11:26:54--  http://oldhost.example.com/
 Resolving oldhost.example.com (oldhost.example.com)...
 Connecting to oldhost.example.com (oldhost.example.com)||:80... connected.
 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
 Location: unspecified
 ERROR: Redirection (301) without location.

This was the source of a lot of headaches since the site still *worked* correctly when connecting directly to it, but kept failing whenever accessed via the varnish caches.

The cause is simply a missing trailing / in the redirect – configuration should actually look like:

Redirect permanent /  http://newhost.example.com/

It’s a nasty trap for the unwary sysadmin, since it works perfectly when accessing the server directly – I’m not entirely sure whether it’s an issue with Apache allowing this syntax, or whether it’s an issue with Varnish not understanding how to proceed – maybe a bit of both.

RFC 2616 isn’t clear, it states that if the abs_path is empty, it’s the same as abs_path being equal to /, and that when requesting a URL with an undefined abs_path, it should be treated as /… but it doesn’t clarify whether an application serving a URL should or shouldn’t append the trailing /.

I guess ideally Apache should be patched to serve up URLs with a trailing / and Varnish should accept redirects with or without it to protect both applications from blame.