Day 22 – Release some software under an open source license that you haven’t released before.

This late post is part of my 30 days of geek challenge.

I’ve released a bit of software before under open source licenses – originally mostly scripts and various utilities, before moving on to starting my own open source company (Amberdms Ltd) which resulted in various large applications, such as the Amberdms Billing System and centralised authentication components like LDAPAuthManager.

The other day I released my o4send application, which is a utility for sending bluetooth messages to any phones supporting OPP and today I pushed a new release of LDAPAuthManager (version 1.2.0) out to the project tracker.


I haven’t talked about LDAPAuthManager much before – it’s a useful web-based application that I developed for several customers that makes LDAP user and group management easy for anyone to use without needing to understand the pain that is LDAP.

It’s been extended to provide optional radius attribute support, for setting additional values on a per-user or per-group, making LDAPAuthManager part of a wider centralised authentication solution.


For other open source goodness, all my current open source components developed by Amberdms can be found on our Indefero project tracker at

There’s a lot that I have yet to release – releasing means I need to validate the documentation, package, test and then upload so I can be sure that everyone gets the desired experience with the source, so it can be tricky to find the time sometimes :-/

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