This is what happens when you’re a computer geek for 10+ yrs…..

Lost in the endless boxes of cables
This is what happens when you’re a computer geek for 10+ yrs…..
Lost in the endless boxes of cables
We finally managed to complete the move out last weekend! I don’t know how we managed to collect so much stuff in just 11 months, but we managed to fill my Starlet and an entire van with all Lisa’s stuff…
When boxing up all my stuff I realized that most of this is going into storage or being sold, very little that I’ll actually be taking with me to AU.
Most important part of the flat ;-) Sadly this will be staying in NZ rather than coming with us due to the size of it :-(
Books add so much weight. :-( There’s not a lot that I want to take – going to look at getting something like a Kindle for future books, but at the same time, there are things like code references or coffee tables books I really want to take. :-(
It’s Mac World! They managed to escape my presence without getting Linux installed on them…. this time. ;-)
Had a pretty good drive down to Wellington, but of course it now means that I have to go through all my stuff and finish selling off things on Trademe, I don’t really want to end up storing lots of stuff at my parents place, particularly since any computer equipment would be obsoleted within a few years.
Also selling off my trusty Toyota Starlet and pretty much anything computer related that isn’t my laptop or my server, so keep watching my TradeMe listings over the next couple of weeks.
Next stop: Melbourne! I’m flying over on the 15th of September with the aim of lining up some work, with Lisa following me over as soon as I get something signed and a flat sorted.
Whilst I’ve been selling off a lot of stuff lately, I started attacking the apartment properly this weekend and the evenings since, going with a system of 3 piles – stuff to take to Melbourne, stuff to store in Wellington and stuff to sell/donate/trash.
The Melbourne pile is actually really small, at the moment I might be taking as little as some clothes, my laptop, some books and a router. I’ve cut down the stuff to store in Wellington a lot, mostly just a few boxes of personal stuff I want to keep (mementos, books, Libretto laptop collection).
I haven’t decided whether I want to take my IBM Model M keyboards yet or not, they’re amazing keyboards, but part of me is pondering going laptop-only whilst in AU – giving my laptop only a go this week as I’ve now packed away the keyboards and LCDs.
The computer desk, TV and bed have now sold, but still need to sell the dining table, otherwise it’s going to have to squeeze into the van heading to Hawkes Bay and to be sold from there. :-/
Other items that haven’t sold, I’ll re-try from Wellington, along with a lot of additional things I have down there.
Meanwhile I’m loving the new found minimalism in my flat, I kind of want to go to Melbourne and have an empty apartment with nothing but my laptop and a stereo.
I’m particularly resistant to having a TV again, I find them a real intrusion into regular life – when there isn’t one around, I’m much more productive and do useful things or read, rather than blobbing – even when it’s not set to recieve TV broadcasts, they just consume so much space and become a focal point of the lounge.
I am taking my Mac Mini to use as a media center, but may just attach a large 27″ computer panel to it when in AU to watch movies when wanted – just pondering the best way to setup my flat that it’s still easy to watch stuff when desired, but in such a way that the media center isn’t the focal point of the lounge – I really want to spend my time in AU being way more productive and creating lots more content, rather than consuming.
Of course considering that my big KVM and file server is going to stay behind in NZ, I’m going to have much less access to my content, which may force me to do useful things like blog and code more. :-)
Just got back from AU this morning, been an awesome trip which I’ll probably blog about next week, as this one is far too busy.
Started this morning with a dead car battery when I went to take Lisa to the airport and a txt from the movers advising that the truck had broken down, not the greatest way to start my day.
Fortunately Lisa managed to get to the airport in time and the AA battery replacement service was pretty fast – turns out the battery in my car dated back to 2002, infact it even seems to run better with the new battery whilst driving and starts even faster, wonder if the old one was impacting the motor.
The movers arrived and took away all my furniture to Auckland, it arrives on the 26th and I’m up in Auckland 26th & 27th for work projects so can help Lisa start setting up the flat.
After I return on Thursday, I’ll be living on an air mattress for Thur, Fri and Sat nights. Not really wildly excited about the air mattress part, but have to just live with that till the drive up to Auckland on the Sunday.
Somehow I have to fit all my computers into my car, along with clothes and various other items, it’s looking like it will be tight squeeze TBH – and my brother is coming along as a passenger for his first Auckland roadtrip, so there’s not going to be much room by the time the car is loaded up.
Clearly this is a sign that I should have less things…. anything that doesn’t fit and that I don’t want ASAP will have to go to parents for now.