Tag Archives: network

Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-AC in-home performance

Having completed the most important move-in task of wiring the house for ethernet and installing the Ubiquiti Unfi UAP-AC access point, I decided to run some benchmarks to see what sort of performance I could actually get.

Unifi UAP-AC just chilling out on the roof.

Unifi UAP-AC just chilling out on the roof.

Manufacturers always quote theoretical figures which can make buying hard, but even when relying on public third party tests, a particular device will perform differently in your own specific situation in a house with walls, interference, crappy consumer devices and other causes for them not to hit the theoretical maximum performance.

Ubiquiti claim that the UAP-AC can do a theoretical maximum of 1300 Mbits in 5Ghz and 450 Mbits in 2.4Ghz. Unfortunately public benchmarks for my testing laptop (Macbook Pro Retina 2013) show it capping out at 615 Mbits, so it’s not going to possible to truly test what’s possible with the UAP-AC past that speed.

Rather than a benchmark of the absolute maximum speed possible consider this benchmark a general consumer use case test in a suburban setting to see what the real world performance is going to be like with a common consumer client device.



The testing was done with the following equipment:

  • iperf2 as the network performance tool.
  • Ubiquity Unfi UAP-AC access point (duh)
  • Apple Macbook Pro Retina 15″ late 2013 (Running MacOS Mavericks).
  • Lenovo Thinkpad x201i laptop running Linux and connected via GigE to run the iperf server.
  • Mikrotik CRS226-24G-2S+RM switch, acting as a dumb switch to connect the AP and the Lenovo Thinkpad running iperf2.
  • House

The latest firmware was applied to the access point, all other settings like power modes are on their default values.

The Macbook Pro should be pretty typical of most high end laptops currently available and supports 802.11ac and both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands, sadly I didn’t have any other 802.11ac client devices that I could run tests with – would be very keen to test with a client device that can deliver closer to the theoretical 1300 Mbits, as well as being able to test with multiple devices concurrently.

Because of where I am, there were no other WiFI access points detected (yay for elderly neighbours) so the testing was free from interference by other networks. Other sources of potential interference such as microwaves and wireless audio streaming was powered down.

Whilst they were not particular active, or being used or testing, the following other devices were also connected to the access point during the tests and could of course influence how well the AP performs.

  • Apple Iphone 5s (802.11n 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz capable)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (802.11n 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz capable)

The house itself also requires note – it’s an old single-story Wellington home with walls containing about 20mm of solid hardwood plus a layer of plasterboard. They’re thick walls and utterly punishing to 5Ghz WiFI which generally doesn’t like solid objects at the best of times.

Finally the AP is roof mounted in the rough middle of the house in the hallway – the downside is that every room gets it’s signal after passing through at least one wall, but it gives me all of house (and some garden) coverage from a single AP.


Test Results

I did two distinct tests – one where the client device transmits, then receives and another where the client device transmits and receives concurrently. Both tests were done using UDP.

Respectively, the following were the commands used:

  • iperf -u -c SERVERIP –tradeoff -b 1000M
  • iperf -u -c SERVERIP –dualtest -b 1000M

I performed each test a total of 3 times and the results provided are the averages result of those 3 tests. I’ve also included a column showing the general connection type that was established for most of the testing, however in some rooms it’s possible the laptop swapped between 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz throughout testing which would mess with results.

6 different locations were used:

  1. Wired GigE connection (For control purposes to verify the iperf setup and switch were not impacting performance).
  2. Hallway – This test was holding the laptop and standing directly underneath the roof mounted AP.
  3. Master Bedroom – 1 wall
  4. Office – 1 wall, but signal potentially impacted by house details.
  5. Lounge – 1-2 walls depending where the signal goes.
  6. Dining Room – 3 walls between AP and room.


Individual Tests Dual Tests Reported Mode
Location Transmit Receive Transmit Receive
WiredGigE 745.00 803.00 null [1] null [1]
Hallway 565.67 570.33 120.43 379.00 802.11ac 5ghz 64%
Master Bedroom 127.00 394.00 84.40 92.47 802.11ac 5ghz 12%
Office 150.00 341.33 93.37 109.13 802.11ac 5ghz 15%
Lounge 67.47 153.00 32.87 62.30 Mixed [2]
Dining Room 55.33 116.00 33.10 45.30 802.11n 2.4Ghz 47%

The locations in the results are ordered closest-furthest, so these results make sense. The fact that receive performance is often better than transmit makes sense when considering that the AP probably has far better antennas and transmission power than the laptop.

Some specific notes:

  • [1] The dual test of Wired GigE just wouldn’t work – I think this was a bug in iperf2 and it wasn’t vital to solve for the testing, hence no metrics.
  • [2] The laptop’s reported mode when in the lounge would vary. On some tests the AP would report 802.11n 2.4Ghz 50% and other times it would report 802.11ac 5Ghz 0.0% (sic), so I think the laptop was struggling to maintain 5ghz, yet could see it strongly enough to try to switch to it.




So am I happy with my purchase? The answer is yes – some other access points might have scored higher performance at range but considering the punishment the walls of the house are delivering to the AP, I’m pretty happy with the speeds I’m getting in the rooms.

Considering my WAN connection is 40mbits down / 10mbits up maximum, even the worst location is still able to max the connection and if I need more capacity to push to the file server, I’ll go use one of the stronger signal rooms or just plug into one of the ethernet ports in every room of the house.

I also intentionally brought Ubiquiti’s hardware since in future it’s likely that I’ll add additional access points around the house to expand the coverage in the areas we end up spending the most time in. The software provided Ubiquiti makes configuration and management of multiple access points very easy which is a big advantage.

At just under $500 NZD, these units aren’t cheap, but compared to the time/cost of running ethernet everywhere, it wouldn’t be a bad investment to install a 3-pack spread around the house to provide maximum coverage if you really want to get as fast as possible without the pain of installing ethernet (well you still have to run it through the attic… but it’s easier than running inside the walls). You’re not going to get GigE speeds, but you should be able to get 500-600 Mbits within the same room as the AP.

DHCP, I/O and other virtualisation fun with KVM

I recently shifted from having two huge server racks down to having a single speedy home server running KVM virtual machines, with the intent of packaging all my servers – experimental, development, staging, etc, into a single reliable system which will reduce power and maintenance costs.

As part of this change, I went from having dedicated DHCP & DNS servers to having everything located onto the KVM host.

The design I’ve used, has the host OS running with minimal services – the host just runs KVM, OpenVPN, DHCP and a DNS caching nameserver – all other services run as guest VMs, with a virtual network for the guests and host to communicate over.

Guests run as DHCP clients – this makes it easy to assign or adjust addressing if needed and get their information from the host OS.

However this does mean you can’t get away with hammering the host too badly – for example, running an I/O and network intensive backup can cause some interesting problems when you also need the host for services, such as DHCP.

Take a look at the following log messages from a mostly idle VM – these were taken whilst another VM on the server was running a bonnie++ process to test performance:

Mar  6 10:18:06 virtguest dhclient: 5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets
Mar  6 10:18:27 virtguest dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Mar  6 10:18:45 virtguest dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Mar  6 10:19:00 virtguest dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Mar  6 10:19:07 virtguest dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Mar  6 10:19:15 virtguest dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Mar  6 10:19:15 virtguest dhclient: 5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets

That’s some messed up stuff – what you’re seeing is that the guest VM is trying to renew the DHCP address with the host server – but the host is so sluggish with having to run the I/O intensive virtual machine that is actually corrupting or dropping the UDP packets, preventing the guest VM from renewing it’s address.

This of course raises the most important question: What happens if the guest can’t renew it’s IP address?

In this case, the Linux/CentOS 5 guest VM actually completely lost it’s IP address after a long period of DHCPREQUEST attempts, fell off the network entirely and caused my phone to go nuts with Nagios alerts.

Now of course in any sane production environment, nobody would be running a bonnie++ processes on a VM on an active server – however there’s some pretty key points still made here:

  • The isolation is a lie: Guests are only *somewhat* isolated from one another – one guest can still mess with another and effectively denial-of-service attack the other VMs by utilising all the available resources.
  • Guests can be jerks: Organisations running KVM (or some other systems) with untrusted guest VMs should carefully consider how they are going to monitor and protect the service from users running crazily resource intensive processes. (after all, there will be someone who wants to bonnie++ test their new VM simply for the lols).
  • cgroups to the rescue? Linux cgroups does have an I/O controller (blkio-cgroup) although whilst this controls read/write flow, it won’t restrict seeks which can also badly impact spinning rust based servers.
  • WTF DHCP? The approach of the guests simply dropping their DHCP address after losing contact with the DHCP server is a pretty bad design limitation – if the DHCP server is unreachable, it should keep the original address (of course if the “physical” ethernet connection dropped, that would be a different situation, and it should drop it’s address to match).
  • Also: I wonder what OSes/distributions have the above behavior?

I’m currenting running a number of bonnie++ tests on my KVM server and will have a blog post in the near future detailing these findings in more detail, I’m also planning to look into cgroups and other resource control and limiting functions and will report back on how these fare when you have guest VMs running heavy processes.

Overall it made my weekend of geekery that bit more exciting. :-D