Tag Archives: waterfront

Pictures from the Sydney waterfront

This post is a collection of various pictures from around Sydney Harbour that I’ve been collecting as I’ve been here.In my opinion, the waterfront is the best feature of Sydney –  the city isn’t wildly exciting to me, it’s a somewhat generic large city, however the waterfront adds some uniqueness and difference to it and there’s always something different taking place on the water.

Sydney CBD and bridge in the hazy distance.

Sydney CBD and bridge in the hazy distance.

A water ferry cruises through Darling Harbour, near the maritime museum.

A water ferry cruises through Darling Harbour, near the maritime museum.

View out from Pyrmont towards the Harbour Bridge.

View out from Pyrmont towards the Harbour Bridge.

They put everything on barges here... I've seen party barges, crane barges, cement mixer barges even a soccer field barge (!!).

They put everything on barges here… I’ve seen party barges, crane barges, cement mixer barges, a soccer field barge and even a barge full of strippers and sleazy bankers. :-/

Sydney's military port - I really want to find out what they use that massively bulky crane to lift - tanks maybe?

Royal Australian Navy’s primary dock – I really want to find out what they use that massively bulky crane to lift – tanks maybe?

One of the smaller ferries comes in to dock at Circular Quay.

One of the smaller ferries comes in to dock at Circular Quay.

Pulling away from Circular Quay on the Manly Ferry

Pulling away from Circular Quay on the Manly Ferry

All hail duck kind!

Bow before Lord Carr and his mighty duck army!

Mysterious discharge from a mysterious pipe slung under a pier.

Mysterious discharge from a mysterious pipe slung under a pier.

Looking out towards Pyrmont as the sun sets.

Looking out towards Pyrmont as the sun sets.

Wynyard Crossing

As part of my mission to get out and explore Auckland some more, I’ve been down at Wynyard Quarter a bit. It’s quite a neat and relatively recent development in Auckland, with several trendy bars/food places and a pedestrian friendly area for walking.

There always some interesting views with the functional industrial port right next to high wealth yachts, along with the trendy outside area and seating. Quite Wellingtonesque in many ways, the Wellington waterfront is always stylish and interesting to wander along, day or night.

Casually chilling on the giant deck chairs

Auckland CBD View

Always interesting ships parked around the place.

One of the cool features of this area is Wynyard Crossing, a double bascule bridge that opens up to allow boat traffic to travel through between the sea and the marina, which opened in August 2011.

I’m kind of a bridge fan, so I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures and a video of the bridge in lift motion.

Idle bridge being idle

Doesn't look toooo steep....

Permission to come on through capt'n!